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A Very Full Plate Posts

Feeding a Family Well Without Cooking with Tiffany Brooks Currie

In this week’s episode, we’re taking a look at a totally different way of feeding a family well. Our guest, Tiffany Brooks Currie, hates to cook and doesn’t do it very often.

How does she make it work so that she can still feed her family well? You’ll have to listen in to find out her reasons and strategies.

Some of our takeaways were:
– The power of making decisions and setting boundaries that work for you and your family
– How to make healthy choices while eating out
– Master shortcuts to get a healthy dinner on the table faster
You can find Tiffany at:
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Feeding a Child with Sensory Integration with Mary Tate (Ep. 15)

This week we’re talking to Mary Tate, a wife, mom of 3, and Certified Health Coach bringing hope to moms of kids with ADHD,SPD, OCD
or ODD. She has all kinds of great insights based on her own experience in parenting and feeding a child with sensory integration, but her lessons are so much bigger than that.

Some of the highlights include:

  • The why for making a healthy change
  • What it looks like to eat differently than your kids
  • How to navigate feeding teenagers healthy food
  • Dealing with the worry of a kid who has troubles with food
  • Details on working with and feeding special needs kids and how to help them accept new foods into their diet

Want to hear more from Mary? You can find her at:

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4 Tips for Helping a Family Going through a Hard Time (Ep. 14)

Gosh, do we need a village to raise a family. Sometimes we all need support and today Amy and Emily are sharing their tips from their own experience and what they’ve learned from helping others (sometimes well and sometimes not).

You’ll hear insights from us including: why the best helpers are the ones who have also been through a hard time (talk about turning lemons into lemonade!) and recommendations on great staple foods to build a care package. Plus our 4 tips for being a great helper when you want to support a family going through a hard time.

If you want some help finding recipes that would work well, sign up for Amy’s Cooking with a Full Plate email list and she’ll send a “Recipes to Help Cheatsheet” your way.

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Raising a Healthy Family without Losing your Mind with Shelly Robinson (Ep. 13)

This week we’re talking to the fabulous Shelly Robinson from Alively Box. Shelly is a mom of 2 as well as a former health coach and current mom self-care advocate who is here to share her tips and tricks for feeding a family well without losing your mind. Trust us, she knows what she’s talking about!

There’s lots of great content in here, including:

  • How to teach kids to read and understand labels from a young age
  • The power of involving your kids in the kitchen
  • Easy tricks for meal planning so that you don’t have to spend hours finding recipes every week
  • What the heck eating berries has to do with self-care

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Here are some of the things we mentioned in this episode:

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Advice from 2 Moms on Raising a Healthy Family – Parents Included! (Ep. 12)

Join us today as Emily chats with Taryn Mulcahey and Jennifer Ranz, two moms with very different lives but a similar goal: raising a healthy family. They share all kinds of insights into how they make this happen, even when they don’t have it all figured out.

Some of the highlights include:

  • Taryn’s hands-on strategy (that anyone can use) to teach her kids about healthy food
  • Jennifer’s journey to finding health for herself even when doctors told her “that’s all part of aging”
  • The TRUTH about how much it costs to feed a family well

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Mentioned in today’s episode:

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What You Can Learn from a Mom Who’s Lost 50 lbs and Kept it Off for Years with Melissa Ronda (Ep. 11)

Think losing weight is hard? Imagine losing 50 lbs AND keeping it off with 5 kids and a business to care for. Our next guest, Melissa Ronda, has not only done this, but she also has taken what she’s learned and transformed the lives of others through her health coaching programs.

We’re so excited to share some of her lessons and insights with you all today including: how taking a flexible approach to healthy eating impacted her results, what she does EVERY week to stay on track, and how she’s helping her kids lay the groundwork for healthier lives. Want to learn more from Melissa? You can find her at The Honest Weigh and her Facebook group.

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Mentioned in this episode:

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How a Picky Eating Mom Feeds her Picky Eaters with Kara Roman (Ep. 10)

Our interviewee this week is Kara Roman, a mom, foster mom, and wife who lives in the Northeast. She has had a fascinating journey with food – from battling bulimia in high school to uncovering a sugar addiction that she continues to work on addressing. On top of that, her family has been through some serious ups and downs, including an epic health battle.

Some of the highlights of this interview include: Kara’s insights into her own journey with food and how it translates into how she feeds her own children, her tips and tricks for making healthier switches, and how she gives herself grace when it comes to balancing feeding her family well with the demands of life.

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A Personal Chef on the Realities of Feeding a Family Well with Lisa Wolken (Ep. 9)

Join us for this interview with Lisa Wolken, a personal chef and mom of 2. In this episode, Lisa gets real about how despite her career cooking awesome food for other families she keeps it really simple at home to overcome the challenges of feeding her own family.

Some of the highlights include: Lisa’s super secret meal planning template, her strategies for shopping and meal prep, and the food-related struggles that stress her (and many of us) out. Lisa opens the doors wide to show that even people who are food experts have to overcome the same things as the rest of us parents to feed their own families well. Thank goodness! 🙂

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Resources mentioned in this episode:

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The Realities of Healthy Travel with Kids (Ep. 8)

Healthy eating can be challenging even during the best of times. Throw in a road trip or flight, with kids in tow, and it can feel downright impossible.

Listen in as Amy and Emily share their best tips and ideas for keeping it healthy while traveling. Of course, they’re also keeping it real and diving into the realities of what healthy travel with kids looks like along with a MAJOR strategy for keeping perspective.

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