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So you wanna be…a more mindful parent (Ep. 40)

Today we’re talking to Ali Katz, the self-proclaimed hot mess to mindful mom. Who better to join us to talk about becoming a more mindful parent?

Ali Katz is an author, speaker, mindful parenting coach, and a meditation expert. As she shares on her website “her mission is to inspire mothers across the globe to leave overwhelm, stress and guilt behind, and to embrace a life full of balance, presence, and joy”. In this conversation, we cover so many great tidbits around becoming a more mindful parent in a way that fits into your life. Some of these things we chat about include:

  • What does it mean to be mindful
  • How can being mindful make you a more patient and loving parent (and human)
  • The positive impact of a parents’ mindfulness on their children
  • Why you should start small when it comes to building any habit (including mindfulness)
  • How mindfulness shows up in parents’ busy lives
  • Strategies for managing screen time for parents and kids (and it’s role in being more present)
  • How mindfulness helps with setting effective consequences
  • Tips for fostering mindfulness in kids
  • A “morning mindfulness” exercise you could use with kids of all ages

Over the coming weeks, we’ll be exploring even more ways to improve your whole families health and wellness in the new year.

Links to things we talked about:

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